Saturday, June 18, 2011

{Cailey|9 Months}

I'm finding it hard to believe that my very first :twinkle toe: plan baby just turned 9 months old....well, actually she is 10 months old as of this post {I'm a little behind}.  Right before Mom's day I shot the adorable Cailey's 9 month session.  Unfortunately, our spring was delayed and we didn't get to head outside like her mom and I had planned on.  However; she killed me with her smiles and clapping....seriously, I almost had to take her home with me...She is SOOOO adorable!!  Here are a few of my favorites from her session.

{Piper|Brand New Baby}

 Over Memorial Day weekend, I headed back to Oshkosh to photograph the gorgeous Piper's newborn session.  In my experience, most newborn babies are not overly 'into' having their pictures taken......they want to eat, they want to be held, I can hope that they want to sleep {makes my job EASY}, but mostly they are not interested in being shuffled around, changed, and placed in different items.  Piper was a photographers dream baby!!  She was the opposite of all the aforementioned things, she was content, she did want to eat a few times, she did need a few diaper changes, but overall she really didn't care what I wanted to do with her.  I am praying that she is as easy-going at her upcoming 6 week session, and continues to be laid back and cooperative for the remaining sessions in her :twinkle toes: package.  Instead of the traditional, 3,6,9,12 month picutres Piper is getting her pictures taken at newborn (2 wks), 6 wk, 9 wk, and then 3-12 months.  So we will be GREAT friends come next May!  Welcome to the world Miss Piper!!

{Abby||Brand New Baby}

Meet Abbygael!!  As babies tend to do, she arrived a few days ahead of her scheduled delivery date.  She also had a mind of her own when it came time for her newborn session.  She ended up doing great and I hope that you'll love the images as much as I do.  There is something extra special about a baby girl to me {probably because I am surrounded by boys} and Abby was no exception!

{Meet Baby Buss|Birth Photography}

The weekend of May 15th was a hectic one for me to say the least.  My husband flew out early on Friday the 13th to Louisville for work and would be gone all weekend long.  My mother had back surgery that same morning, that evening would bring us to my nieces first birthday party, and I was up to my eyeballs in homework and being a stay-at-home mom.....turn the clock forward to Saturday and despite being exhausted, I couldn't sleep.  So here comes 3 a.m. and just as I settle in to finally go to sleep, my phone rings....I look and see it's Amber calling...I almost hit silent thinking to myself that it's soo late and soo ridiculous of her to be calling this late {Amber is one of my best friends, so it's ok for me to think this}....AND then I remember that Amber is due in a few weeks....sure enough, her water broke!  Best phone call I've ever gotten at 3 a.m.  I get a few hours of sleep, visit my mom in the hospital, drop my boys of at my in-laws, and head to Oshkosh.  At 11:01 p.m. I was unbelievably honored to witness Piper Leigh Buss' arrival into the world.  The question of boy or girl was answered....IT'S A GIRL! and she is absolutely beautiful!!  I couldn't be more happy for Amber + Brandon, and I feel blessed that they are a part of my life.

Here are a few shots from Amber's labor & of brand new Piper.

The Wissbroecker's|Family Session

 Meet Tim, Candice, + Noah Wissbroecker!  They are a super fun on-the-go family that is resilient, loving, and committed to one-another.  Noah was a little shy at first, but we managed to sneak a few nice shots out of the morning session.  Here are a few of my favorites from their mini-session!

Rhyner|Family Session

I was pleased to get to hang out with Chase + his big cousin Parker again during my Bunny + Chick Easter sessions.  Not only are these little men to die for, but their momma's are absolutely a blast.  They decided to do pictures of the boys together, individually, and then some with momma's and son's....Grandma even came over for the session!!  Super cool!  Also, we did a few of Chase with his parents, and a quick shot or two of his adorable mom, Breanna, and dad, Jeremy, to round out the session.  I am pleased to say that I am shooting Chase's 1 year session in a few days and cannot wait to see how much he's grown!

Ryden|Brand New Baby

In the month of April, I gave out free Brand New Baby sessions to any baby that was born between March and April.  I was pleased to meet Miss Ryden Monroe and her momma Aryn and a few of her friends.  Here are a few peeks of Ryden's session.

Amber+Brandon|Maternity Session

May 1st brought me to Oshkosh, WI to photograph Amber + Brandon's maternity session.  
I haven't been to Oshkosh since their 2009 wedding {their anniversary is the day after mine and they got married the year after my husband and I did}.......I had the pleasure of seeing their new house for the first time, meeting Princess + Polo {their fur babies|cat}, and enjoying a delcious home cooked lunch....I must say, it was WELL worth the trip!!  Amber + Brandon have already committed to a :twinkle toes: package for their little one, as well as choosing me to be in the delivery room for the birth of their first child.  I could not be more honored to be there when they find out BOY or GIRL!!  Watch for LOTS of updated pictures of their family throughout the next year!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


 Here are a few sneak peeks from the Janesville wedding that I shot to kick off my 2011 weddings.


back in March i traveled to Wisconsin Dells to meet with a potential 2011 couple and as long as we were making the trip, i figured it made perfect sense to shoot their engagement session at the same time.  this gave them a chance to get to know me a little and to have a preview of my work.  it all worked out just as i had hoped, i fell in love with them and they decided to book me for their August wedding.  there are some couple's who have amazing chemistry that shines through and Justina + Brian are definitely one of those couple's.  the love they have for one another is extraordinarily apparent.  i cannot wait to shoot their wedding this August, i am expecting to be blown away by the details of their day!!